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How To Grow 2023

Small Business Britain and TSB Business are excited to bring you the new report How To Grow (in a recession), the latest in a series of reports in the partnership to support, guide and inspire small businesses and those that work with them.

How To Grow Quote By Louise West

As we navigate the challenges of economic downturn, Small Business Britain spoke to thousands of small businesses about how they are doing, and how they are planning for growth even in tough times. This report is as much a guide as insight, helping businesses find a positive and optimistic way through this challenging time.

The report contains personal insight from small businesses and experts, ideas for ways businesses can buck the trend and grow, and inspiration for ways to make progress in the coming year. Each section has a set of actions for businesses to follow. Not all will be relevant for everyone, but there is something in this report or all.

How To Grow Quote By Celia Gaze

For the first time, this report is available simultaneously as an audiobook as part of Small Business Britain's drive towards greater accessibility. This is available to stream or download below and we welcome your feedback on this.

If you would like more information about the research or to get more involved with supporting small businesses in 2023, please do get in touch at hello@smallbusinessbritain.uk

Download Report Download Audiobook

Thanks to TSB for their continued support of this research.

This research is supported by:

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